What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea? OSA is a condition in which a person stops breathing repeatedly during sleep due to a collapsed airway that prevents air from getting into the lungs.

Who Gets Sleep Apnea? 5 to 10 percent of the adult population or 20 million people may have obstructive sleep apnea in the United States. OSA is most common in men, postmenopausal women, Hispanic women, and African Americans.

How Do I Know if I Have Sleep Apnea? During a non-invasive, overnight exam in a sleep lab called a sleep study, doctors will monitor you while you sleep to see what’s happening in your brain and body. While you sleep, an EEG machine monitors your sleep stages and the cycles of REM and NREM sleep that you go through during the night.

Does OSA Affect Diabetes? Yes. Struggling for air may put your body into fight-or-flight mode, releasing stress hormones that can raise blood glucose levels.

What Happens if OSA is Left Untreated? You are at an increased risk for high blood pressure, stroke, a decreased quality of life, heart disease, heart attack, or fatigue-related motor vehicle and work accidents.

What is the Treatment for OSA? The most common treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea is CPAP therapy. It is also recommended that you lose weight and exercise while avoiding alcohol, sedatives, and hypnotics.

How Does CPAP Therapy Work? A gentle flow of positive-pressure air goes through the CPAP mask to splint the airway open during sleep, causing your breathing to become regular, stop snoring, restore restful sleep, and lower your risk for stroke, high blood pressure, heart attack, heart disease, and motor vehicle and work accidents.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact A Turning Leaf Home Medical Equipment to speak with one of our knowledgeable team members.